On behalf of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, the ORD Unit implements the Swiss National Action Plan for Open Research Data (ORD) and serves as a representative for Open Science topics. More


Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences a+

Save the Date: Award Ceremony 2025 - National Prize for Open Research Data

We are delighted to announce the date for this year's National Open Research Data Award Ceremony: 27 November 2025

Join us in celebrating outstanding achievements and innovative projects in the field of open research data. The award ceremony offers an inspiring platform for exchange, networking, and the promotion of open science in Switzerland.

Save the date – further information about the event and registration will follow soon!

  • Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences a+

    Press release

    Open Science rewarded: Four Projects to receive the National Prize for Open Research Data

    They offer innovative approaches to reusing research data in interdisciplinary, collaborative, and educational contexts. The winners of the National ORD Prize 2024 are Pathoplexus, ROADS, openwashdata, and ENAC-IT4Research. The awards come with a total prize money of CHF 21,000.

  • Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences a+

    Press release

    Swiss Data Literacy Charter as the basis for data literacy

    The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are publishing a Data Literacy Charter for Switzerland. This Charter is intended to initiate a broad-based cultural change in the way society handles general and personal data. One aim is for each person to be in a position to determine how personal data is handled.  A further aim of the Charter is that people should be able to critically evaluate data and statements based on it.

  • Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences a+


    Transparency triumphs: Adriano Rutz wins the first National Open Research Data Prize

    The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences have honoured the pioneers of open research for the first time with the National Open Research Data Prize – an award for researchers at all career levels. The prize was awarded to innovative projects in the field of re-use of research data. The winners are making scientific data more accessible via open databases in their fields. And it’s an ongoing process: planning for the next award ceremony is already under way.



ORD Unit

House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern

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